SWTBot is a very good toolkit for SWT GUI testing, and we use it for some times. However, one trouble we encounter is about running SWTBot test cases by ant. Always got different kinds of errors.

One tip is remove org.junit_3.* from plugins folder of eclipse, so that force eclipse to launch test cases by Junit4.

Today, I write gnuplot scripts to generate some figure for my paper. 

set xtics ("Home_Page" 1)

I found that underline is not produced as I expected.   I add a "\" before "_" like this,

set xtics ("Home\_Page" 1)

but it still doesn't work.  Not found any glue on google on this problem.  I add another "\" and have a try.

set xtics ("Home\\_Page" 1)

It works! :)

Today, I am writing a presentation, and want to draw some fancy charts.  I find freemind by google.  Even freemind wiki page gives sufficient instructions on how to install freemind on Linux, I still couldn't find anything on yum installation.

Create freemind.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d


Create jpackage.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d


yum -y install freemind

Have been using CruiseControl for several months.  It is easy to configure, and very useful.  However, the default cruisecontrol.bat doesn't set jmxhost, so the remote jmx control to CC does not in effective.  Now I modify cruisecotnrol.bat like this,

-jmxhost host.cc.is.running

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