The question "what optimizations gcc performed on different levels?" has been asked time and time again.

We can check this in this way,
$ gcc -c -Q -O3 --help=optimizers > 3.log
$ gcc -c -Q -O2 --help=optimizers > 2.log
$ diff -u 2.log 3.log
--- 2.log    2010-08-20 13:48:57.000000000 +0800
+++ 3.log    2010-08-20 13:48:51.000000000 +0800
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
   -ffloat-store                       [disabled]
   -fforward-propagate                 [enabled]
   -fgcse                              [enabled]
-  -fgcse-after-reload                 [disabled]
+  -fgcse-after-reload                 [enabled]

As the "clean room" policy proposed by my wife, I bought a USB wireless card for my machine, and cost me nearly 4 days to set it up under Ubuntu.

After a long time googling, this post helps me a lot...

After followed steps in this post above, it still doesn't work. Then, I upgrade my ubuntu 9.04 o 9.10. Everything works well.

skype on Linux

After fight with skype on Linux for one day, I can talk with someone else over skype.

Add source in /etc/apt/source.list

deb stable non-free

sudo apt-get install skype

Then, I can log in and chat over skype however, the skype doesn't work well with mic. After a long time googling,

This fix the problem of voice.

It is surprise to me that Gmail can show sender's connections on linkedin.  It is funny...


Here is a list of patents, in which I am one of the inventors.

twhirl is a very fancy twitter client, however it does not have proxy settings.  Most of the people setup twitter API proxy on google appengine, however I failed to request an ID of google appengine. :(

After googling, I found a simple way to use proxy, and twhirl works for me every well, except a little slow. HTTP_PORT=80 ~/twhirl/bin/twhirl


Recently, I google'ed some conferences about my work,

Automated Software Engineering Homepage
International conference on Automated Software Engineering
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
Internal conference on Software Engineering
Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering.

Recently, we are writing paper for some conference.  In order to collaborate with other people, we choose Word as the editor, because it is easy to track changes and comments.  Finally, we decide to move to latex, some figures in Word should be 'ported' to latex.

Here is a process of port figures in Word to Latex easily,
1.  Print Word document to pdf file
2.  Convert PDF to PS.  In Linux, pdf2ps can do that,
3.  In tex file,

\includegraphics[trim = 0mm 110mm 0mm 60mm,width=3.5in,clip]{}
\caption{Implementation architecture}

Then, the figure in Word is ported to latex.


By accident, I found MetaUML which can draw UML diagram in MetaPost way.  It is pretty cool...

It is simple and can be inserted in my latex paper easily.

PLDI 2010

First of all, my paper is NOT accepted in PLDI 2010.

I am excited to see that there are many Chinese authors in PLDI 2010, and one paper is from ICT.  I am proud of them.  I also find some paper is done by IBM research, proud of them also.

There are some paper interest to us,
Adversarial Memory For Detecting Destructive Races
Cormac Flanagan (University of California, Santa Cruz), Stephen N. Freund (Williams College)
Decoupled Lifeguards: Enabling Path Optimizations for Dynamic Correctness Checking Tools
Olatunji Ruwase (Carnegie Mellon University), Shimin Chen (Intel), Phillip Gibbons (Intel), Todd Mowry (Carnegie Mellon University)
Pacer: Proportional Detection of Data Races
Michael D. Bond (UT Austin), Katherine E. Coons (UT Austin), Kathryn S. McKinley (UT Austin)

You can see more paper in here

Got an error on IBM Jre,

Thread "main" java/lang/IllegalAccessError at Lock$Sync.get(

However, I still don't know what is wrong in my instrumented code.  Then, I switch to Sun Jre,

Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field IdImpl.ID from class Lock$Sync
        at Lock$Sync.get(

This error message is very clear, and easy to understand.  This error is cause by a copy/paste.

I write an ant script to update jar file, and it works well on Linux.  However, when I run that on Windows machine, I got a strange error "unable to rename old file".

My script is like this,
<jar destfile="foo.jar" basedir="${dest.dir}" includes="Provider.class" update="true"/>
<move file="foo.jar" tofile="bar.jar"/>

In this snip, I want to update foo.jar with Provider.class, and rename it to bar.jar.

After some search, I fix this problem in this way...
<jar destfile="bar.jar">
      <fileset dir="${dest.dir}" includes="Provider.class" />
       <zipfileset src="foo.jar"/>           

Technorati Tags: ant

It is always difficult for me to remember so many system password.  I got such error messages when attempt to login to an AIX for 4 times,

3004-303 There have been too many unsuccessful login attempts; please see the system administrator

After some googling, I found it is a question frequently asked question.  Many other people can't remember password either, :)

Type the command below in shell as root,
root@aix:/ # /usr/sbin/lsuser -a unsuccessful_login_count <username>
username unsuccessful_login_count=4

Then reset the counter with chsec

root@aix:/ # /usr/bin/chsec -f /etc/security/lastlog -a unsuccessful_login_count=0 -s <username>

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After Fighting with "Windows Live Writer" nearly two days, I migrate to ScribeFire.  It is pretty cool.

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