twhirl is a very fancy twitter client, however it does not have proxy settings.  Most of the people setup twitter API proxy on google appengine, however I failed to request an ID of google appengine. :(

After googling, I found a simple way to use proxy, and twhirl works for me every well, except a little slow. HTTP_PORT=80 ~/twhirl/bin/twhirl


Recently, I google'ed some conferences about my work,

Automated Software Engineering Homepage
International conference on Automated Software Engineering
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
Internal conference on Software Engineering
Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering.

Recently, we are writing paper for some conference.  In order to collaborate with other people, we choose Word as the editor, because it is easy to track changes and comments.  Finally, we decide to move to latex, some figures in Word should be 'ported' to latex.

Here is a process of port figures in Word to Latex easily,
1.  Print Word document to pdf file
2.  Convert PDF to PS.  In Linux, pdf2ps can do that,
3.  In tex file,

\includegraphics[trim = 0mm 110mm 0mm 60mm,width=3.5in,clip]{}
\caption{Implementation architecture}

Then, the figure in Word is ported to latex.

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