Got an error on IBM Jre,

Thread "main" java/lang/IllegalAccessError at Lock$Sync.get(

However, I still don't know what is wrong in my instrumented code.  Then, I switch to Sun Jre,

Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field IdImpl.ID from class Lock$Sync
        at Lock$Sync.get(

This error message is very clear, and easy to understand.  This error is cause by a copy/paste.

I write an ant script to update jar file, and it works well on Linux.  However, when I run that on Windows machine, I got a strange error "unable to rename old file".

My script is like this,
<jar destfile="foo.jar" basedir="${dest.dir}" includes="Provider.class" update="true"/>
<move file="foo.jar" tofile="bar.jar"/>

In this snip, I want to update foo.jar with Provider.class, and rename it to bar.jar.

After some search, I fix this problem in this way...
<jar destfile="bar.jar">
      <fileset dir="${dest.dir}" includes="Provider.class" />
       <zipfileset src="foo.jar"/>           

Technorati Tags: ant

It is always difficult for me to remember so many system password.  I got such error messages when attempt to login to an AIX for 4 times,

3004-303 There have been too many unsuccessful login attempts; please see the system administrator

After some googling, I found it is a question frequently asked question.  Many other people can't remember password either, :)

Type the command below in shell as root,
root@aix:/ # /usr/sbin/lsuser -a unsuccessful_login_count <username>
username unsuccessful_login_count=4

Then reset the counter with chsec

root@aix:/ # /usr/bin/chsec -f /etc/security/lastlog -a unsuccessful_login_count=0 -s <username>

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After Fighting with "Windows Live Writer" nearly two days, I migrate to ScribeFire.  It is pretty cool.

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